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File #: 25-0244   
Type: Pre-Selected Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: City Council Work Session
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapters 12-3 (Metered and Pay Station Parking) and 12-5 (Stopping, Standing, and Parking) to modify the definitions of parking meter and parking space, remove placard requirements for unloading and loading in designated zones; provide for the use of commercial hangtag for loading; restrict certain uses of transit stops; provide for and modify parking restrictions related to loading and unloading, bicycle lanes, electric vehicle charging spaces, commercial delivery zones, passenger pickup and drop-off zones, resident only zones, and parking at a public recreation area or right-of-way closure area; modify the civil fines, costs, and fees for parking violations; and containing other provisions related thereto, in support of mobility and public safety. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact.
Attachments: 1. Draft Ordinance, 2. Council Resolution 20240404-040, 3. Recommendation for Action
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Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapters 12-3 (Metered and Pay Station Parking) and 12-5 (Stopping, Standing, and Parking) to modify the definitions of parking meter and parking space, remove placard requirements for unloading and loading in designated zones; provide for the use of commercial hangtag for loading; restrict certain uses of transit stops; provide for and modify parking restrictions related to loading and unloading, bicycle lanes, electric vehicle charging spaces, commercial delivery zones, passenger pickup and drop-off zones, resident only zones, and parking at a public recreation area or right-of-way closure area; modify the civil fines, costs, and fees for parking violations; and containing other provisions related thereto, in support of mobility and public safety.  Funding: This item has no fiscal impact.



Lead Department

Transportation and Public Works


Fiscal Note

This item has no fiscal impact.


Prior Council Action:

June 11, 2009 - Ordinance No. 20090611-032 - repealing and replacing Chapter 12-3 of the City Code relating to Metered and Pay Station Parking, was approved on a 6-0 vote with Council Member Cole absent.

August 18, 2011 - Ordinance No. 20110818-074 - amending City Code Section 12-3-5(B) to change the applicability of extended metered parking and to provide Council with reports and recommendations regarding extended metered parking hours was approved with amendments, on a 6-1 vote with Council Member Morrison voting nay.

June 15, 2017 - Ordinance No. 20170615-056 - amending City Code Section 12-3-5(B) to extend metered parking hours on Wednesday nights was approved on a 10-0 vote with Council Member Troxclair voting nay.

For More Information:

Richard Mendoza, Director, 512-974-2488; Lewis Leff, Assistant Director, 512-974-6421; Joseph Al-hajeri, Parking Enterprise Division Manager, 512-974-6528; Gilda Powers, Quality Consultant, 512-974-7092.

Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action:

October 17, 2024 - Briefing to the Council Mobility Committee.

November 12, 2024 - Recommended by the Urban Transportation Commission on a 9-0 vote with Commissioners Smith and Wheeler absent.

Additional Backup Information:

The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, initially adopted by City Council in 2019 and amended in 2024, sets out the clear policy goals related to on-street and off-street parking in Austin. It states the effective management of parking can improve mobility, safety, the environment, and affordability. There have been other studies and reports in Austin related to parking in recent years which all point to a need to reform the code to enable parking management strategies which leverage existing parking supply to help manage demand, decrease impacts on the transportation network, and achieve better mobility and safety outcomes for all roadway users.

It has been more than 15 years since most of City Code Sections 12-3 “Metered and Pay Station Parking” and 12-5 “Stopping, Standing and Parking,” were last amended. Over time, traditional parking regulations fail to meet the current needs of residents and businesses and begin to lack connection to current initiatives and processes. These proposed code changes will better reflect contemporary processes, terminology, and technological solutions.

Section 12-3 Highlights of changes


                     Modifying and expanding “Paid Parking Space” to “Metered Parking Space”, to include spaces that may not be delineated by markings but dedicated by signage.

                     Expanding “Parking Meter”, to encompass future parking control systems and new technological solutions.

                     Deleting “Parking Pay Station,” “Pay and Display Station,” and “Pay by Space Station” due to a broadened definition of “Parking Meter”.


Time Limits on Metered Parking - Removing geographic and time restrictions for on-street metered parking so that parking management strategies are based on current policy direction and updated data and traffic analysis, with approval of the City’s Traffic Engineer.

Fee Due for Parking a Motor Vehicle - Modifying to allow the director to offer validations, due to special circumstances or in the interest of the general public.

Section 12-5 Highlights of changes

Responsibility for Violations - Adding language regarding “motor vehicles” throughout the entire ordinance to align with State definition.

Vehicle Loading or Unloading Musical Equipment - Modifying to simplify the requirements by removing placard requirements and authorizing use of existing zones for loading and unloading musical equipment.

Use of Bus/Transit Stops By Other Motor Vehicles - Narrowing usage of transit stops to City-approved, public transportation services only. Passenger vehicle discharge should occur away from facilities dedicated to high-capacity vehicles, for mobility, safety, and efficiency.

Commercial Motor Vehicle Loading or Unloading From a Metered Space, Commercial Loading Zone, or Curb-Side Travel lane - Expanding where commercial hangtag permits may be issued.

Designated Bike Lane - Creating a new section making parking in a designated bike lane illegal.

Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces - Restricting use of electric charging spaces for active charging of electric vehicles.

Commercial Delivery Zones - Renaming to better reflect intent and usage, specifying that trades and other services should park at a metered parking space and pay the appropriate fee.

Passenger Pickup and Dropoff Zones - Removing the term “attended” and requiring the use of emergency flashers when parked within the zone for increased safety.

Residents Only Zone - Expanding language to restate the director’s authority to promulgate rules and to address permit misuse/abuse such as illegal sale or duplication.

Parking at a Public Recreation Area or Right of Way Closure Area - Expanding to address an initiative that was initiated by the Parks Special Event Taskforce from 2017, to address illegal parking that is contrary to posted “No parking” signs during events.

Liability of the Motor Vehicle Owner and Operator; Presumption of Liability - Modifying language for change of motor vehicle ownership, to provide more flexibility when working with the court.

Civil Fines, Costs and Fees - Modifying fine amounts for a subset of offenses based on a review of the top violations from the past three years and potential impacts of the parking behavior on public safety. Fine amounts are generally based on adjustments for inflation, using Bureau of Labor and Statistics Consumer Price Inflation calculations relative to the last time most fines were adjusted, and a peer city review of fines. TPW’s Parking operations, including enforcement, are fully funded by the Parking Enterprise Fund. All parking fines collected go to the General Fund.