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File #: 25-0239   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/6/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve an ordinance to suspend a Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program interim rate adjustment proposed by CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact.
Attachments: 1. Draft Ordinance, 2. Recommendation for Action
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Approve an ordinance to suspend a Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program interim rate adjustment proposed by CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact.

Lead Department
Financial Services Department.

Fiscal Note
This item has no fiscal impact.

For More Information:
Marija Norton, Controller, 512-974-2951; Kim Euresti, Deputy Controller, 512-974-2232.

Additional Backup Information:
On February 18, 2025, CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation (CenterPoint) made a Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) interim rate adjustment for CenterPoint's Houston, Texas Coast, South Texas, and Beaumont/East Texas geographic rate areas, which includes the City of Austin. CenterPoint makes the same GRIP filing with the Railroad Commission of Texas (Commission) for customers located in the City's environs and cities of the Houston, Texas Coast, South Texas, and Beaumont/East Texas geographic rate areas that have ceded original jurisdiction to the Commission.

This filing was made under Texas Utilities Code, Section 104.301, which establishes the GRIP and allows a gas utility, on an annual basis, to recover capital investments in gas pipeline infrastructure and related expenses made during the interim period between formal rate case filings. The last CenterPoint full-rate case was in 2023. GRIP rates must be based on reasonable increases in invested capital costs. Operation and maintenance costs cannot be recovered through a GRIP.

In this filing, CenterPoint has determined the net increase in capital invested in the Houston, Texas Coast, South Texas, and Beaumont/East Texas geographic rate areas for the period of October 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024, to be $446,227,019. The Interim Rate Adjustment will recover the incremental investment of $70,712,002.

The Interim Rate Adjustment will increase the average residential customer bill by $2.88 per month. It will increase the current monthly fixed...

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