Castle Rock Banner
File #: 25-0023   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/6/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Northwest Lift Station Improvements: Rock Harbor Force Main and Four Points #2 project, for Austin Water and to be managed by Capital Delivery Services, with Santa Clara Construction, Ltd., in the amount of $4,224,497, plus a $422,450 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,646,947. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water.
Attachments: 1. MWBE Summary, 2. Map, 3. Recommendation for Action
Date Action ByActionAction DetailsMeeting Details
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Posting Language
Authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Northwest Lift Station Improvements: Rock Harbor Force Main and Four Points #2 project, for Austin Water and to be managed by Capital Delivery Services, with Santa Clara Construction, Ltd., in the amount of $4,224,497, plus a $422,450 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,646,947. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water.

Lead Department
Financial Services Department.

Managing Department
Capital Delivery Services.

Amount and Source of Funding
Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water.

Purchasing Language:
The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids solicitation IFB 6100 CLMC1061 for construction services. The solicitation was issued on September 16, 2024, and closed on October 17, 2024. Of the four bids received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive bid. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City's website. This information can currently be found at

This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 66.98% MBE and 1.38% WBE participation.

For More Information:
Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department - Central Procurement at or 512-974-2500. Respondents to the solicitation and their Agents should direct all questions to the Authorized Contact Person identified in the solicitation.

Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action:
January 15, 2025 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission.

Additional Backup Information:
The Rock Harbor Fo...

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