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File #: 25-0200   
Type: Item From Council Committee Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/30/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve a resolution reappointing Amit Motwani to the Central Health Board of Managers.
Sponsors: Public Health Committee
Attachments: 1. Draft Resolution, 2. Committee Report, 3. Recommendation for Action
Date Action ByActionAction DetailsMeeting Details
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Approve a resolution reappointing Amit Motwani to the Central Health Board of Managers.



Lead Department

Public Health Committee.


Fiscal Note

This item has no fiscal impact.


For More Information:

Juanita Jackson, 512.972.6163, <>.


Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action:

December 4, 2024 - The Public Health Committee recommended reappointing Amit Motwani and Dr. Cynthia Brinson to the Central Health Board of Managers and sending the item to the full City Council on Council Member Velasquez’s motion, Council Member Alter’s second on a 3-0 vote.


Additional Backup Information:

Dr. Cynthia Brinson was appointed by Council on 1/30/2025. The Public Health Committee also recommended City Council reappoint Amit Motwani to the Central Health Board of Managers, which will be accomplished through passage of this resolution. The appointment of Amit Motwani is made jointly with Travis County. The term is four years, beginning January 1, 2025, and expiring December 31, 2028.