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Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire in fee simple approximately 3.298 acres (143,661 square feet), more or less, situated in the Santiago Del Valle Grant, Abstract No. 24, Travis County, Texas, generally located at 6407 S. Pleasant Valley Road, Austin, Texas 78744 from Hawk Valley, LLC, for a total amount not to exceed $372,050 including closing costs. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Lead Department
Financial Services Department.
Fiscal Note
Funding is available in the Capital Budget of the Parks and Recreation Department.
For More Information:
Michael Gates, Financial Services Department, 512-974-5639; Brandon Williamson, Financial Services Department, 512-974-5666; Randy Scott, Parks and Recreation Department, 512-974-9484.
Additional Backup Information:
The proposed acquisition of 3.298 acres of vacant, gently sloping wooded area in the floodplain along Williamson Creek is adjacent to land owned by the Parks and Recreation Department. This acquisition will expand access to the Williamson Creek greenbelt and allow the Parks and Recreation Department to provide a trailhead and parking from the surrounding area of Council District 2, serving 680 citizens.
This acquisition is funded through parkland dedication funds. An independent third-party appraisal was procured to establish the fair-market valuation of the proposed acquisition. The appraisal supports the purchase price of $370,000. The amount of the purchase price plus closing costs is not to exceed $372,050.