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File #: 25-0172   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/6/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire approximately 0.050 acres (2,165 square feet) of temporary ingress and egress easement, approximately 0.253 acres (11,066 square feet) of temporary staging area and material storage site easement (in three parts), and approximately 0.0186 acres (810 square feet) of temporary working space easement (in two parts) situated in the Isaac Decker League, Survey No. 20, Abstract No. 8, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, each generally located at 1301 W. Oltorf Street, Austin, Texas 78704, and being a portion of Tract 1, Oltorf Addition, a subdivision of record in Volume 10, Page 12 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, from Woodview MHC, LLC, to support the upsizing of a wastewater interceptor, through December 31, 2028, for a total amount not to exceed $96,106. Funding: $96,106 is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water.
Indexes: District 3
Attachments: 1. Map, 2. Recommendation for Action
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Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire approximately 0.050 acres (2,165 square feet) of temporary ingress and egress easement, approximately 0.253 acres (11,066 square feet) of temporary staging area and material storage site easement (in three parts), and approximately 0.0186 acres (810 square feet) of temporary working space easement (in two parts) situated in the Isaac Decker League, Survey No. 20, Abstract No. 8, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, each generally located at 1301 W. Oltorf Street, Austin, Texas 78704, and being a portion of Tract 1, Oltorf Addition, a subdivision of record in Volume 10, Page 12 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, from Woodview MHC, LLC, to support the upsizing of a wastewater interceptor, through December 31, 2028, for a total amount not to exceed $96,106. Funding: $96,106 is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water.



Lead Department

Financial Services Department


Fiscal Note

Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water.


For More Information:

Michael Gates, Financial Services Department, 512-974-5639; Brandon Williamson, Financial Services Department, 512-974-5666; Tony Lopez, Capital Delivery Services, 512-974-6581.


Additional Backup Information:

The proposed acquisition is to support the upsizing of approximately 3,914 linear feet of wastewater interceptor, which is situated in an adjacent sanitary sewer easement. The general route of the project is east from 3201 South Lamar to the intersection of Del Curto Road and Lightsey Road, and north to approximately the 2300 block of Thornton Road. The temporary easements to be acquired would all expire December 31, 2028.

An independent, third-party appraisal was procured to establish the fair market value of the proposed acquisition. The appraisal supports the purchase price of $96,106. The amount of the purchase price is not to exceed $96,106.