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Authorize the negotiation and execution of an agreement with artist Tamara Johnson for artwork for the Elisabet Ney Museum grounds, for a total contract amount not to exceed $100,000. Funding: $100,000 is available in the Capital Budget of the Parks & Recreation Department.
Lead Department
Economic Development.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the amount of $100,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Capital Budget of the Parks & Recreation Department.
For More Information:
Anthony Segura, Interim Director, Economic Development Department, (512) 974-3187; Matthew Schmidt, Acting Cultural Arts Division Manager, Economic Development Department, (512) 974-6415.
Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action:
December 16, 2024 - Art in Public Places (AIPP) Program Manager Jaime Castillo presented #8 on the agenda: Approve Artist Selection Recommendations for Elisabet Ney Museum Grounds AIPP Project - Tamara Johnson Recommended Artist, and Erin Cunningham Recommended Alternate Artist, approved on Commissioner Gray's motion, Commissioner Garza's second on an 8-0 vote with Commissioner's Kracheni and Keys absent.
December 2, 2024 - AIPP Coordinator Lindsay Hutchens presented Item #4 on the AIPP Panel Agenda: Approve Artist Selection Recommendations for Elisabet Ney Museum Grounds AIPP Project - Tamara Johnson Recommended Artist, and Erin Cunningham Recommended Alternate Artist. Motion to approve by Andrew Danziger, Seconded by Kristi-Anne Shaer, 7-0-0.
Additional Backup Information:
The City's AIPP program of the Cultural Arts Division, Economic Development Department, sought to commission one professional visual artist or artist-led team to design, fabricate and install an exterior artwork at Elisabet Ney Museum at 304 E 44th St, Austin, TX 78751.
The goal of the project is to commission a local, artist and/or artist team who, in collaboration with City staff and community stakeholders, designs fabricates and installs a work of art of...
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