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Authorize payment for annual renewals of professional dues and memberships in national and state associations and organizations related to the electric utility industry, in an amount not to exceed $460,000. Funding: $460,000 is available in the Operating Budget of Austin Energy.
Lead Department
Austin Energy
Fiscal Note
Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Energy.
Prior Council Action:
February 29, 2024- City Council approved expenditures for annual renewals of professional dues and memberships in national and state associations and organizations related to the electric utility industry.
For More Information:
Tammy Cooper, Deputy General Manager, Regulatory, Communications, Compliance, & Legal Services 512-505-3901.
Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action:
February 10, 2025 - Recommended by the Electric Utility Commission on a 10-0 vote with Chair Tuttle absent.
Additional Backup Information:
The following list identifies and describes professional membership organizations of which Austin Energy is a member. The list includes dues amounts for 2025.
1. Large Public Power Council (LPPC): an amount not to exceed $176,037
LPPC members are focused on providing reliable and affordable electricity for the customers and communities they serve across the country. LPPC consists of 25 of the nation's largest public power systems, including Austin Energy, City Public Service Energy and Lower Colorado River Authority. LPPC provides forums where public power electric utility professionals exchange information and best practices. LPPC has several committees, task forces, and working groups that address a wide range of issues including federal legislation, environmental rules and regulations, tax implications, cyber security, emerging trends, and electric and energy policy and regulation. LPPC hires professional consultants in each of these areas to assist the organization and its individual member...
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