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Approve a resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application to the Asphalt Art Initiative grant program through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Foundation in the amount of $100,000, for the development and installation of asphalt art to enhance existing safety and mobility infrastructure. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact.
Lead Department
Transportation and Public Works
Fiscal Note
This item has no fiscal impact.
For More Information:
Richard Mendoza, Director, 512-974-2488; Pirouz Moin, Assistant Director, 512-974-8769; Amir Emamian, Division Manager, 512-974-9319; Anne Milne, Capital Improvement Program Manager, 512-974-2868; Gilda Powers, Quality Consultant, 512-974-7092.
Additional Backup Information:
Asphalt art has been proven to be a quick and affordable approach to enhance pedestrian safety and engage the community. If awarded, the Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) would use the grant funding to engage the community and develop and install painted artwork at a location to be determined with input from the Vision Zero and Safe Routes to School Programs. This would maximize the impact on pedestrian safety and could be used as a model for future safety and engagement efforts.
The installation of asphalt art to enhance the pedestrian realm supports the following Austin Strategic Mobility Plan policies:
* Designing for Safety Policy 2: Minimize the potential for conflicts between transportation network users.
* Roadway Systems Policy 6: Support streets as places where people and community engage in non-mobility activity.
* Public Health Policy 3: Provide infrastructure and programming to encourage healthy living.
* Public Interaction Policy 3: Make public engagement convenient, accessible, and meaningful.
* Implementation Policy 6: Work with the community to incorporate public art and beautification into transportation infrastructure.
The grant does not require any matching funds. The project proposed ...
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