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File #: 25-0089   
Type: Item From Council Committee Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve an amendment to Article 2 (Purpose and Duties) of the Resource Management Commission's bylaws to add the following to its scope of review and on which it advises Council: recommendations for the natural gas utility ratemaking, franchise agreement priorities, and operational policies for which the City has regulatory authority
Sponsors: Audit and Finance Committee
Attachments: 1. Revised Bylaws, 2. Amendment Overview, 3. Committee Report, 4. Recommendation for Action
Date Action ByActionAction DetailsMeeting Details
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Posting Language

Approve an amendment to Article 2 (Purpose and Duties) of the Resource Management Commission’s bylaws to add the following to its scope of review and on which it advises Council: recommendations for the natural gas utility ratemaking, franchise agreement priorities, and operational policies for which the City has regulatory authority..



Lead Department

Audit and Finance Committee.


Fiscal Note

This item has no fiscal impact.


For More Information:

Angie Guerrero, Office of the City Auditor, 512-974-2861,


Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action:

December 11, 2024- Audit and Finance Committee- On a 4-0 vote, the Committee request to send item to full Council for approval, Council Member Ryan Alter’s motion, Council Member Mackenzie Kelly’s second. Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool (co-chair), off the dais.


Additional Backup Information:

The Resource Management Commission bylaw changes are recommended for approval to full Council. The proposed changes add “recommendations for the natural gas utility ratemaking, franchise agreement priorities, and operational policies for which the City has regulatory authority” as an item the Commission shall review and analyze and as a subject on which the Commission shall advise Council. The proposed changes are also outlined in backup and affect “Article 2: Purpose and Duties” of the Resource Management Commission Bylaws. An ordinance to amend Section 2-1-168 of City Code is also required and will be a separate but related item on the same council meeting agenda.