| 1. | Minutes | Approve the minutes of the Public Health Committee meeting on February 5, 2025. |
| 2. | Discussion and Possible Action | Discussion and possible action on an appointment of a member to the Sobering Center Board of Directors. |
| 3. | Briefing | Receive briefing on the status of the Austin Animal Services Strategic Plan [Don Bland, Chief Animal Services Officer- Animal Services Office; Audrey Muntz, Budget and Performance Manager- Office of the Budget & Organizational Excellence]. |
| 4. | Briefing | Receive a briefing on Bond Funding priorities for the Homelessness Strategy Office [David Gray, Homeless Strategy Officer- Homeless Strategy Office; James May, Housing and Community Development Officer- Housing Department]. |
| 5. | Memo Briefings | Discussion of Measles Health Alert memo dated February 10, 2025 (Austin Public Health). |
| 6. | Executive Session | Discussion of the selection of a member to appoint on the Sobering Center Board of Directors (Personnel matters - Section 551.074 of the Government Code). |